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Butcher's Guide Wagyu Beef Patty

Our Beef Patty is made from 100% quality wagyu beef with our own unique special recipe. The rich fat marbling will allow the patty to have a melt-in-your-mouth effect that is absolutely mouthwatering. Contains absolutely no other additives or preservatives, just 100% pure beef and spices. Tasty and delicious, it...

Our Beef Patty is made from 100% quality wagyu beef with our own unique special recipe. The rich fat marbling will allow the patty to have a melt-in-your-mouth effect that is absolutely mouthwatering. Contains absolutely no other additives or preservatives, just 100% pure beef and spices. Tasty and delicious, it makes for a gastronomical delight. Best served warm. Made in Singapore and Halal-certified. Our patty is marinated with our in-house specialty seasoning _ Meticulous R&D to give you the perfect meat-to-fat ratio so every mout is filled with beefy, garlicky and flavour of rosemary _ Our patty is frozen fresh to ensure it�s juiciness upon cooking _ Throw out your store-bought patties and take your burger onto new heights! 100% Fresh and Frozen. The natural colour and the weight of the actual products may be slightly different from those shown on site.

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