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Online Corporate/Group Close Terrarium Workshop

$35.00 $55.00
Booking of appointments upon checkout. 1 hour session each. Below will be what our workshop covers: - Soil - Lecca - Pebbles (different sizes and colors, mix & match) - Stones (different sizes and colors, mix & match) - Plants (3-4 stocks of mix plants) - Moss - Glass bottle...

Booking of appointments upon checkout. 1 hour session each.

Below will be what our workshop covers:

- Soil

- Lecca

- Pebbles (different sizes and colors, mix & match)

- Stones (different sizes and colors, mix & match)

- Plants (3-4 stocks of mix plants)

- Moss

- Glass bottle that is 19-9cm tall

- One FREE figurine

Our workshop usually runs for 1 to 2 hours long and it covers the content

1. What is a terrarium

2. History of terrarium

3. What type of terrariums

4. What plants are suitable for terrariums

5. Hands-on with terrarium making

6. How to take care the terrariums

7. Photo taking

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